The Border Mail

Fundraising support helps deliver benefits of playing cricket to more Aussie kids

The Woolworth's Cricket Blast program aims to provide an opportunity for all Australian kids to experience the healthy fun of playing cricket. Picture supplied.
The Woolworth's Cricket Blast program aims to provide an opportunity for all Australian kids to experience the healthy fun of playing cricket. Picture supplied.

This is branded content for Dettol.

Australians' love of cricket is irrefutable, whether it's playing it or watching it. However, at the grassroots level not every youngster has the same opportunity to get involved and reap the benefits of playing the great game.

Overcoming this issue is the mission of Cricket Australia in conjunction with Woolworths and their school and junior cricket programs that are delivering plenty of runs for the health and wellbeing of our kids.

Cricket Australia, through the support of the Woolworths Community Fund, has provided the opportunity for thousands of young cricketers to access cricket across hundreds of programs in their communities to date.

The programs include the schools-based Woolworths Cricket Blast, an action-packed experience for kids between the ages of five and 12 who want to learn the basic skills of cricket in a fun and friendly environment. Currently around 60,000 kids participate in Cricket Blast each season.

While COVID put a dampener on the operation of the programs and junior cricket in general, this summer the activities are back in full swing with the assistance of Cricket Australia's hygiene partner Dettol.

As well as providing hand sanitiser and education for kids and their families on germ protection, Dettol has this month also joined forces with Woolworths to donate up to $300,000 to grassroots cricket by supporting the Woolworths Community Fund.

Customers can get involved by simply buying any Dettol product at Woolworths in January.

Cricket Australia Executive General Manager Community Cricket and Capability James Allsopp said the additional funds mean the Woolworths Cricket Blast and Woolworths Community Fund programs could grow even further and deliver the benefits of community cricket to more kids.

"We can reach out to more communities and more children, particularly those aged five to 12, and provide a range of opportunities and experiences they may not have had access to before," he said.

"Research shows just how valuable sport is for children - it increases their physical health while also helping them build social skills.

"And community cricket programs provide an opportunity to meet new people and make friends while learning how to communicate and work together as a team which can help build confidence in kids."

Launched in 2019, the Woolworths Community Fund provides funds to extend the reach of cricket to kids from disadvantaged communities who may not have access to community sport.

This includes kids of all abilities, Indigenous, culturally and diverse communities and remote and disaster-affected areas. There are currently more than 500 Woolworths Community Fund programs across Australia.

While the programs are back up and running now, COVID bowled up some big challenges for those involved. As restrictions eased, Cricket Australia's partnership with Dettol became invaluable.

Since 2020, Dettol has helped support the return to cricket for both players and spectators by providing clubs and schools with hygiene protocols and products offering trusted germ protection to players, their families and spectators.

David Rankine, the regional director Australia and New Zealand for Reckitt Health, owner of Dettol, said the company was proud to be working with Cricket Australia to encourage better hygiene behaviour in the lives of Australians.

"Whether kids are sanitising or washing their hands before and after eating, or volunteers are using Dettol to clean the cricket balls and bats for each activity or game, Dettol is proud to be able to provide these communities with trusted germ protection," he said.

Victorian teacher Wayne Schultz is a big fan of Cricket Australia's school cricket program and can vouch for the positive benefits it can deliver to schools and their students, from reduced absenteeism to greater engagement in the classroom.

In November 2022, he spearheaded a trial of a before-school Breakfast Blast program at Dallas Brooks Community Primary School that combined cricket activities with breakfast supplied by the local Woolworths store.

"We had almost 200 kids register - half our school - and the smiles on their faces and the positive impact it's had across so many aspects of the school has been amazing," Mr Schultz said.

This January, Dettol is teaming up with Woolworths to raise up to $300,000 for grassroots cricket. Buy any Dettol product at Woolworths this month to help donate to the Woolworths Community Fund. Full terms and conditions here. Find out more at

This is branded content for Dettol.